Cre8tive Drama
Day Camp
July 8-12, 2024
Ashe Civic Center

Ashe County Little Theatre presents "Cre8tive Drama Day Camp," a week-long summer day camp packed with fun drama and theatre activities. Appalachian State University faculty member Gordon Hensley and his trained teacher assistants lead these lively classes. The drama camp is at the Ashe Civic Center the week of July 8-12 from 10:00am-3:00pm. There are three age groups: 6-8 years old, 9-12 years old, and 13-18 years old. The camp is $100 per child for the week. A limited number of scholarships are available, please email with scholarship request.
The curriculum utilizes eight drama structures. Process style drama activities are lead by trained teachers of theatre to strengthen eight areas: developing and strengthening language and communication, problem solving, positive self-concept, social awareness, empathy, values and attitudes, and developing an understanding of the art of theatre.
Pantomime - Acting and communicating ideas and characters without using your voice
Drama Games - Building group cooperation and quick-thinking skills through creative games
Storytelling - Sharing personal and traditional stories using body, voices, and imagination
Story Drama - Exploring favorite stories from books, poems, and traditional fun fairy tales
Social Drama - Using games, scenarios, and analogy to build social awareness and life skills
Improvisation - Games and structures based on interplay and making it up as you go along
Process Drama - Problem-solving a scenario as a group
8. Puppetry - Creating and using puppets to perform original and scripted work for the class
No early drop offs and no late pick ups. Due to space limitations, each age group will be limited to 15 students. Students are required to bring a lunch every day. There will be some snacks and water available.
Registration Here
The Summer Drama Camp is supported by the Ory Owen Memorial Fund. The fund was established in honor of Ory Owen after he passed away in 2019. Ory was a passionate lover of theatre, the arts and life. We honor him with this camp in an effort to pass on that passion to another generation of young thespians.
If you would like to donate to the Ory Owen Memorial Fund to help our theatre education program please donate here.
For more information email us at